people preparation

美 [ˈpiːpl ˌprepəˈreɪʃn]英 [ˈpiːpl ˌprepəˈreɪʃn]
  • 网络人员素质
people preparationpeople preparation
  1. Let people preparation a bit , several caretaker too very sad , tone that speak some choke with sobs even .


  2. If earthquake is predicted in advance , people can make preparation , thus suffering less damage .


  3. It put great emphasis on the dynamic role of people in the preparation for and implementing of the war .


  4. Sully has heard from people who say preparation and diligenceare not the same as heroism .


  5. In order to better explore the unique love psychological structure of the Chinese people , the preparation for the love psychological scale , research on the contemporary Chinese people love psychology have great significance .


  6. We will also encourage the widest participation of the people in the preparation for Games , as it will greatly push forward the sports and cultural development nationwide and increase the cohesion and pride of the Chinese nation .


  7. The effect of the warning reflects the emergency response capacity of The maritime safety authority , the success early warning can make people full mental preparation when the accidents happen , do well in advance of emergency preparedness , and reduce the losses caused by the accident .


  8. Inclusive Education for All People : Teachers ' Preparation and Action


  9. The electricity shortages are the product of decades-long mismanagement of Pakistan 's national grid , and are often worse at dusk when many people are cooking in preparation for the end of the fast .


  10. With people delaying their acceptance of being " old " as they went through life , the authors argued that there was evidence of people delaying the preparation for later life .
